Who’s excited! We are starting the countdown to registration – ONLY 61 DAYS AWAY. Make sure you tell your friends – and Mom and Dad – make sure to read the details on our new discounts this summer – CAMPER REFERRAL AND MULTI-WEEK DISCOUNTS!
- OPEN HOUSE – April 12 from 2pm to 4pm
- Junior Camp – June 19 at 11:00 am to June 21st at 10:00 am
- Counselor Training – June 21st at 2:00 pm through June 28th
- Week 1 – June 29 – July 5 – Under The Sea Day
- Week 2 – July 6 – 12 – Backwards Day
- Week 3 – July 13 – 19 – Safari Day
- Week 4 – July 20 – 26 – Medieval Day
- Week 5 – July 27 – Aug 2 – Superhero Day
- Week 6 – Aug 3 – 9 – Cabin Challenge Week
Registration is all online and begins on Tuesday, April 15th at 6:00 pm. Stay tuned for the LINK!
For more information, check out www.hiddenhollowcamp.org!
Friendly House is HIRING!
Friendly House has an immediate opening for a Preschool and Daycare Worker at our community center located at 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44906.
A full job description is available and to apply online go to “Staff and Employment”.
You may also apply in person at our address above. For questions, please contact Greg Mead at 419-522-0521.
02/04/2025 – NOW HIRING – COOK
Friendly House has an immediate opening for a Cook at our community center located at 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44906.
The Cook at Friendly House is responsible to ensure that all prepared meals taste good, look appealing, and are prepared in ample amounts for children to have extra servings if needed, following all program, health and safety guidelines as required. Typically, the cook will mass prepare from 50 to 350-400 servings per day. The cook is responsible for the cleanliness of the kitchen and equipment, safe food preparation, planning, ordering, inventory, record keeping and staying incompliance with all required CACFP requirements.
A full job description is available and to apply online go to www.friendlyhouseonline.com and click on About “Staff and Employment”.
You may also apply in person at our address above. For questions, please contact Greg Mead at 419-522-0521.
If you are interested in working at the Greatest Place On Earth – Hidden Hollow Camp, for the 2025 summer season, applications must be complete before February 14th. We have already begun the hiring process and only a few spots remain for our Camp Counselor Positions. We are still looking for cooks and nurses. Go to www.hiddenhollowcamp.org for additional information or to apply.
Friendly House and Happy Hollow Day Camp are happy to announce the OPEN HOUSE for campers and families at Happy Hollow on May 3rd from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. It’s a great chance for new campers and old to take a tour, meet and say hello to some of our returning staff, and for parents to ask questions. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served! Hope to see you there.
No reservations are required. This is a rain or shine event – dress for the weather. Please note, there will not be restroom facilities available on the camp grounds during the Open House.
Friendly House and Hidden Hollow Camp are happy to announce the OPEN HOUSE for campers and families at Hidden Hollow on April 12th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. It’s a great chance for new campers and old to take a tour, meet and say hello to some of our returning staff, and for parents to ask questions. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served! Hope to see you there.
No reservations are required. This is a rain or shine event – dress for the weather. Please note, there will not be restroom facilities available on the camp grounds during the Open House.
12/26/2024 – FRIENDLY HOUSE PROGRAM MENUS DEC 30, 2024 – FEB 21, 2025
The Friendly House Menu’s are now posted with a link on our website as well as on our social media pages. We will be posting an eight-week rotation, at least one-week prior to the rotation start. The current menus are available below:
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
- Mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; - Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
- Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Congratulations to The Friendly House, the 2024 Large Non-Profit of the Year Award Winner at the 2024 Small Business of the Year Awards! Their impactful programs strengthen families and build character throughout Richland County. We appreciate all the work you do for our community!
The Small Business of the Year Awards, presented by the Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development, honor exceptional small businesses in Richland County, OH. These awards celebrate their innovation, leadership, and contributions to the local economy and community.
Special thanks to DRM Productions for producing this video, and Mechanics Bank, our Small Business of the Year Video Sponsor.
Friendly House is looking for a Child Care Worker to join our family. This position will typically work Monday – Friday from 6:30 am to 1:30 pm. Candidates should have a love to teach young minds. Candidates are required to have their high school diploma or GED. Interested candidates should apply immediately. APPLY HERE
Calling all former Hidden Hollow Campers! Have the greatest summer of your life – be a Camp Counselor at Hidden Hollow Camp! We are beginning the process of hiring for the 2025 Summer Camp Season at Hidden Hollow! We will be conducting some interviews during Christmas Break! Apply beginning this Friday, December 13. For additional information go to the Hidden Hollow Camp page.
Job Descriptions: Senior Counselor, Junior Counselor, Kitchen Staff
APPLY HERE: Hidden Hollow Staff Application

Gear Up for 2025!
Friendly House’s Logo Shop is here with fresh new designs for the upcoming year! Get ready to make a splash at camp with our exciting new swag!
- Exclusive Online Only: Grab your favorite kid’s gear before it’s gone.
- Support Friendly House: A portion of every sale benefits our programs.
- Perfect Gifts: Surprise your loved ones with stylish camp gear.
- Customizable Options: Create unique gear for your camper in any size.
- Convenient Online Shopping: Easy ordering and fast delivery.

We are incredibly grateful for your support during the Richland Gives campaign! Your generosity will directly impact our Afterschool and Preschool programs, our pool facilities, our daily meal program, and our summer camps. Together, we are making a real difference in our community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We will give a full report in a few days of how the campaign was a success!
You can still make a donation by clicking here: https://richlandgives.mightycause.com/organization/Thefriendlyhouse
Richland Gives starts Monday, November 18th! Plan your donations now! Scan the QR Code below or go to: https://richlandgives.mightycause.com/organization/TheFriendlyHouse

11/1/2024 – FRIENDLY HOUSE MENU’s 11/4/2024 THROUGH 12/27/2024
Friendly House is an equal opportunity provider.
As part of the Ohio Department of Education’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Friendly House is required to inform the public regarding our participation. Please click on the link below for additional details: MEDIA RELEASE
Friendly House is a GOLD RATED program through the Ohio Department of Children and Youth (ODCY) Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) program. Step Up To Quality is a quality rating and improvement system administered by the ODCY. SUTQ recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meet quality program standards that exceed preschool licensing and school age child care licensing health and safety regulations. Step Up To Quality program standards are based on national research identifying standards which lead to improved outcomes for children.
Friendly House is proud to present our annual 2024 Steak Fry being held again at Hidden Hollow Camp on October 19th. Please see some of the information listed in the flyer below. There will be great food, a fantastic time at the Casino where you can win fantastic prizes and/or bid on great auction items. The cash bar opens at 5:00pm – now accepting Cash and Credit with SQUARE (fee applies). You can also check out the details by scanning the QR Code or by clicking on this LINK. Hope to see you there!

Friendly House is happy to announce that we have begun accepting credit card transactions utilizing Square. We accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and UnionPay. For a regular card swipe, chip or tap transaction, there is a CONVENIENCE FEE of 2.75%. For manual transactions, i.e., over the phone payments, there is a CONVENIENCE FEE of 3.55%. These convenience fees are paid by the client. To avoid these fees, you may pay with cash or a check. There are no refunds on these fees. Refunds are for a program fee only, and completed with a mailed check.
Friendly House is the best place in Richland County for swim lessons. Our staff of experienced Water Safety Instructors are ready to give your child an enjoyable learning experience and a positive attitude toward water safety. Our classes are taught by Friendly House Certified instructors.
Lessons are quarterly (fall, winter, spring, and summer) and you must be pre-registered for all lessons. To give individualized instruction, the classes are limited in size. All registrations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. No phone registrations will be accepted. Class fee is $50.00 per child. Go to the PROGRAMS tab for additional information.
The Friendly House Menu’s are now posted with a link on our website as well as on our social media pages. We will be posting an eight-week rotation, at least one-week prior to the rotation start. The current menus are available below:
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
- Mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; - Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
- Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Afterschool Program is currently on a wait list! Please call our office with your name, phone number, child’s name, age and school and get on the wait list now. We can’t call you to get you into the program, unless your child is on our wait list. When called off the wait list, you must respond by the time stated, or we will move to the next child on the wait list.
Our reception desk is open daily from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. There is only a $50 for the entire program. This fee must be paid when you return your enrollment forms. Friendly House accepts cash and check only. Financial aid is available. It’s the best deal in town. Parents, we will NOT hold spaces. We fill a spot with payment and completed forms as they are returned. Incomplete forms or forms with out payment are put on the wait list until forms and/or payment is complete.
The program runs Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Friendly House busses from most schools. When they arrive, the kids are fed a full meal, helped with homework and given the opportunity to participate in all of the Friendly House activities!
The program begins on September 9th and follows the Mansfield City School District schedule for vacations and calamity days. If MCS is closed, Friendly House is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm for your child.
For additional information, please call our office at 419.522.0521. For additional information you can also check out the Afterschool Program tab on this website.
Friendly House is an equal opportunity provider.
Are you looking to make a difference in your community. Work at Friendly House. We are currently accepting applications for our Preschool and Daycare. Stop in and complete an application TODAY or complete your application online at this LINK.
Friendly House is an equal opportunity employer.
Friendly House will be closed from August 17th through August 25th and reopen for our regular hours on August 26th. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Get your child enrolled now! We still have spaces for the 2024-25 Afterschool Program at the Friendly House. Do not get put on a wait list!
Stop by Friendly House TODAY and get your enrollment packet. Our reception desk is open daily from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Please note, Friendly House will be closed the week of August 19th and will reopen on August 26th. There is only a $50 for the entire program. This fee must be paid when you return your enrollment forms. Friendly House accepts cash and check only. Financial aid is available. It’s the best deal in town. Parents, we will NOT hold spaces. We fill a spot with payment and completed forms as they are returned. Incomplete forms or forms with out payment are put on the wait list until forms and/or payment is complete.
The program runs Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Friendly House busses from most schools. When they arrive, the kids are fed a full meal, helped with homework and given the opportunity to participate in all of the Friendly House activities!
The program begins on September 9th and follows the Mansfield City School District schedule for vacations and calamity days. If MCS is closed, Friendly House is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm for your child.
For additional information, please call our office at 419.522.0521. For additional information you can also check out the Afterschool Program tab on this website.
Friendly House is an equal opportunity provider.
The ASP enrollment packet will be available to current Friendly House and/or Happy Hollow Day Camp Families beginning on July 24th.
Enrollment for current families will occur between July 29th and August 9th. Open enrollment for the remaining spots will begin on August 12th. Please be aware that Friendly House will be closed for maintenance shut down from August 19th through the 23rd.
For additional information regarding the program – follow this LINK.
Registration begins May 28 @ 9:00 am at the Friendly House Reception Desk.
Classes are Tues, Weds + Thurs – $50 Per Session/Child
Session 1 ~ June 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27
9:30am-10:00am Minikins
10:00am-10:30am Adv. Minikins/Jr. Beginner
10:45am-11:15am Beginners/Adv. Beginners
11:30am-12:00pm Intermediates/Swimmers
Session 2 ~ July 9, 10 11, 16, 17, 18
9:30am-10:00am Minikins
10:00am-10:30am Adv. Minikins/Jr. Beginner
10:45am-11:15am Beginners/Adv. Beginners
11:30am-12:00pm Intermediates/Swimmers
Session 3 ~ July 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, & August 1
9:30am-10:00am Minikins
10:00am-10:30am Adv. Minikins/Jr. Beginner
10:45am-11:15am Beginners/Adv. Beginners
11:30am-12:00pm Intermediates/Swimmers
11:30am-12:00pm *Lifeguard Pre-Course
Go to www.hiddenhollowcamp.org to register.
Hidden Hollow Families!
One of the reasons I love working at Friendly House and Hidden Hollow Camp is the wonderful families we get to work with every day and each camping season. You all have been fantastic!
Everyone at HHC and Friendly House appreciates you and your kids!
We apologize about the system glitch last night. We hope that all is now working correctly as the system has been tested and seems to be working the way it is supposed too. The system will open back up tonight at 6:30 pm.
Unfortunately, your registrations were lost in the process of making corrections. I do have a list of each of those families and will be in contact. You can go back in to reregister. I will be contacting you to verify your registration is accurate. The good news – the pricing structure for Junior Camp was incorrect. It was listed as $450 and is ONLY $150.
The system issue only allowed a Week 6 registration for most of those that attempted to register last night. I am in the midst of calling those parents to verify the weeks you wanted your camper to attend Hidden Hollow. You can either wait for my call, or you can respond to this email with your updated request and I will correct it for you on the back end. I have left messages for many of these parents as well to return my call.
The registration system will open back up at 6:30 pm this evening. Go to www.hiddenhollowcamp.org and click on the registration link.
Thank you again for your patience and support. Loyal and True!
Mr. Greg, Assistant Director, Friendly House
Please be patient as we attempt to fix the system.
Get your sleeping bags and bug spray ready! It’s time to roll down the hill and come back to Hidden Hollow for the 2024 camping season. The staff is waiting, the cabins are ready, the woods are calling and Horse Thief Jack is still riding his horse through the trails.
To register, you will need a computer or tablet. GO TO: www.hiddenhollowcamp.org to read all about camp, check out the FAQs and click on the REGISTRATION BUTTON after 6:30pm, April 17, to register your campers for the best week – or weeks of their lives!
Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along, merrily we roll along, back to HHC!
Go to www.friendlyhouseonline.com for additional information about our summer programs
SUMMER FUN PROGRAM – an all-day program at Friendly House for nine weeks during the summer months. A hot, nutritious meal is served for lunch and a snack in the afternoon. Children may participate in many of the same activities as the Afterschool Program, including swimming twice per week in our indoor pool. We also offer “stay-cations” field trips in Mansfield. Enroll beginning April 22 for current Afterschool Program families. Forms available April 15th. OPEN ENROLLMENT BEGINS May 6th. For additional information check out Summer Fun!
HAPPY HOLLOW DAY CAMP – Happy Hollow Camp is an active way for children ages 6-14 to experience camping without having to spend evenings away from home. Happy Hollow is a nine-week program, Monday through Friday, beginning in June. Campers enjoy varied activities throughout the week including arts and crafts, swimming and fishing, nature activities, archery, pony rides, sports and field games. Happy Hollow offer’s theme weeks, talent shows, and other special activities to make campers enjoy their summer at camp. OPEN ENROLLMENT begins May 13th. Forms available April 29th. For additional information check out Happy Hollow Day Camp!
HIDDEN HOLLOW RESIDENT CAMP – Hidden Hollow Camp is for children ages 8-15 and provides every camper with a well-rounded overnight camp experience. Campers attend for a week, arriving on Sunday and departing on Saturday. Campers plan their own day with a wide variety of activities offered, including swimming, horse trail rides, arts and crafts, tennis and court games, nature activity, archery, woodshop, dramatics, canoeing and fishing, and sports and field games. Evening activities include campfires, cabin skits, night swims, and the Hidden Hollow Hop on Friday night.
HHC also runs a Jr. Camp Program for children ages 6-8 who want to experience camp without having to spend a week away from home. Activities are tailored to fit smaller campers who come for three days and two nights. Enrollment begins online at hiddenhollowcamp.org on April 17th. For additional information check out www.hiddenhollowcamp.org.

Friendly House is excited to announce that Ms. Monica Eppler has accepted the position of Hidden Hollow Camp Director and has already begun the transition into this important role for Friendly House. Monica attended Hidden Hollow Camp as a camper, KP, and counselor. She graduated from St. Peter’s High School and worked at the Friendly House in the daycare center and for the recreation programs while attending the OSU Mansfield branch as a freshman. After graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in Family Relations and Human Development, Ms. Monica began her career working with children and families in foster care and family court settings in Florida. She soon discovered her place in education and has spent the past eighteen years teaching middle school Social Studies and most recently elementary special education. She is working on a Master’s Degree in Special Education from OSU. When not teaching, Ms. Monica enjoys working on projects around her house, spending time with family, and boating on Lake Eerie during the summers. Through the transitions of her career working with children and families, Hidden Hollow Camp has always held a special place in Ms. Monica’s heart. Her children, nieces, and nephew have been campers and counselors at Hidden Hollow, continuing the family tradition and love fostered by her late uncle and former Friendly House Director, Bernie Dillon. With other HHC friends, Ms. Monica has played a role in continuing to give back to Hidden Hollow and Friendly House for the past six years as a member of TPK as a part of its annual Weekend of Giving. She is excited and honored to come home to Mansfield and once again serve the children and families of Richland County.
Calling all friends of Friendly House, Hidden Hollow and Happy Hollow Camps…
It’s time to register for the 7th Annual Weekend Of Giving. TPK is asking you to get back in your staff shirt and come back to HHC in 2024! This year the Weekend Of Giving (WoG) is being held from 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 13th through 11:00am on Sunday, June 16th. The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 17th.Confirmation donations are due by Friday, May 31st at Friendly House.
Since our inception in 2017, TPK participants have worked for more than 5,173 volunteer hours which equates to $168,810 in labor value. To date, TPK has raised more than $313,497 in supplies, materials and cash donations for Friendly House. It is time to pack your sleeping bag and your tool belt! Friendly House continues to need your support
REGISTER HERE – https://forms.gle/poNWAvxC22gvXfmC8
Friendly House is happy to announce our Summer Program dates. Please continue to follow Friendly House and our camps on our social media for updates and information regarding registration.
FRIENDLY HOUSE SUMMER FUN PROGRAM – Monday, June 10th through Friday, August 9th, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm. Friendly House will be closed on Thursday, July 4th for the Holiday. Registration will be offered to those families currently in Friendly House programs first and then will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis until we have reached our enrollment capacity. Registration dates TBD.
HAPPY HOLLOW DAY CAMP – Happy Hollow offers nine weeks of day camp. Your camper may attend one week or all nine! Happy Hollow is supported by ODJFS. The first week begins on Monday, June 10th. Happy Hollow will be closed on Thursday, July 4th for the holiday. Registration will be offered to those families currently in Friendly House programs first and then will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis until we have reached our enrollment capacity. Registration will begin on May 13 at Friendly House. We will make the registration forms available early so you can have them complete and ready on registration day. OPEN HOUSE at Happy Hollow will be on May 4th. Follow us on Facebook for details.
HIDDEN HOLLOW RESIDENT CAMP – Hidden Hollow offers 6 weeks of resident camp and a shorter three day Junior Camp. Your camper may attend one week or all six! The first week begins on Sunday, June 30th. Camp runs from Sundays at 3pm to Saturdays at 10am. Registration will begin April 17th at 6:30pm online only. The HHC Open House is scheduled for April 13th. Continue to follow us on our social media for updates.
Friendly House is an equal opportunity provider and financial assistance is available to those who qualify. Friendly House will never turn down a child to attend a program for a families inability to pay a fee.
1/23/2024 – Friendly House Opens ONLINE LOGO SHOP
You may now order your LOGO WEAR for Friendly House, Happy Hollow Day Camp and Hidden Hollow Camp anytime, online, right now! Follow the links and order your favorite. Each purchase helps support Friendly House programs while showing off your love of Friendly House and our camps. SHOP NOW CLICK HERE! The store will be updated seasonally. Some of the current artwork is shown below…
1/22/2023 – Weekend Of Giving Dates Announced
The TPK Group, a volunteer organization which supports Friendly House and our Mission, has announced the dates of the Weekend Of Giving for 2024. Save the dates for June 13th through the 16th at Hidden Hollow Camp. For additional information check out TPK on Facebook or their info page on our web site. Registration for the event will be announced soon.
Please apply either at the Friendly House reception desk during office hours or you can apply online at this LINK.
12/23/2023 – The Kiwanis Club of Mansfield Supporting Friendly House

Please check your mail as the Winter Swim Program has hit the Post Office! Registration begins on December 21st at 9:00 am at the Friendly House Reception Desk. We accept cash and checks only.
For additional information, you can read the program here —–> WINTER SWIM PROGRAM
11/21/2023 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Afterschool Program Schedule
Friendly House will be CLOSED on November 23 so our staff can enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with their families. The Afterschool Program will be open from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm on Wednesday, November 22 and Friday, November 24 (swimming at 1pm on Friday) for the Afterschool Program kids! If your child is showing any symptoms of illness, please keep them home.
Daycare and Preschool will be open normal hours on Wednesday but CLOSED on Friday.
10/13/2023 – Richland Gives Campaign Begins – DONATE NOW!
Time To Give! The #RichlandGives Campaign is now accepting donations! Get your fingers ready and DONATE! You can donate anytime between November 13th and 28th – help Friendly House help the kiddos of Richland County!
As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s important to think of those organizations that help families in our community. Thanksgiving is a time for family, and giving of yourself for others. And that is EXACTLY what Friendly House is all about!
A donation to Friendly House means putting a smile on a child’s face, a fun and safe environment, improved self-esteem, a better grade card, and a belly full of nutritious food, all TAUGHT and MENTORED by caring staff.
Through our Daycare and Preschool, Afterschool Program, Swim Lessons, Happy Hollow Day Camp, and Hidden Hollow Resident Camp – Friendly House offers a gate way of positive futures for the children of Richland County.
To be blunt, Friendly House can not operate without the generous support of you, our community.
A $450 donation will send a child to Hidden Hollow Resident Camp for a Week.
A $280 donation will send a child to Daycare for a Month.
A $125 donation will send a child to Happy Hollow Day Camp for a Week.
A $50 will enroll a child in the Afterschool Program for the entire year!
Friendly House depends upon YOU our community. When you click on the link for Richland Gives – select Friendly House as one of the organizations you will support. Help Friendly House help the kiddos of Richland County.
9/28/2023 – Friendly House Steak Fry and Casino Night – October 21st
Help Friendly House reach our goals of helping Richland County Children through our programming efforts. Our yearly Steak Fry is our biggest celebration of community support! Join us on October 21st for a great evening of food, beverages and casino play for raffle prizes. For more information about tickets, reserved tables and sponsorships, please follow this LINK. To reserve your seat or table NOW call our office at (419) 522-0521.

9/27/2023 – Fall Swim Lessons – Registration Now Open
Stop by Friendly House and register you kiddo for swim lessons. Check out additional information on the Swim Page.
9/15/2023 – Get on the Friendly House Mailing List
If you would like to get on the Friendly House mailing list and receive our correspondence through the USPS, please complete this online FORM.
8/15/2023 – Afterschool Program Info
Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 Afterschool Program at Friendly House. To learn more about the program you can click on this LINK. To register your child, please stop by Friendly House to pick up the enrollment forms. We will enroll 130 children. Don’t wait as we will fill up quickly.
6/30/2023 – Happy Hollow Families – Camp Fees Payment Information
Happy Hollow Families – please be advised – Happy Hollow enrollment payments are due in full 10 days PRIOR to the camp week. For example, if your child is going to HHDC the week of July 10, 2023, all camp fees are due in full before 6pm on Friday, June 30th. We are unable to make exceptions to the policy and will not make reminder phone calls regarding payment deadlines. If camp fees are not paid by the deadline, your camper will not be enrolled. If transportation/bus fees are not paid by the deadline, you must drop your camper off and pick them up at HHDC. This policy was outlined in the enrollment packet, the parent handbook and on the HHDC web page.
6/28/2023 – Friendly House and Happy Hollow Families – Air Quality Advisory
Please be advised the Day Care is the only area in the Friendly House Community Center that is fully air conditioned. The rest of the public areas in Friendly House are NOT air conditioned. Happy Hollow Day Camp is operated most of the day outside and the main lodge is NOT air conditioned. During times of poor air quality, our programming may shift to reduce activities and when possible will include indoor activities that do not require heavy exertion by our #FriendlyHouseKids and Happy Hollow Campers.
If you feel the air quality in our local area may effect your child while attending Friendly House and Happy Hollow programs, or your child has a medical condition that could be affected by the poor air quality, please keep your child at home.
For additional information, please read this recent article from the United Stated Environmental Protection Agency from January of this year regarding the health effects from air pollution:
You can also find Mansfield, Ohio’s current air quality here:
5/24/2023 – Summer Swim Lessons, Lap Swim, Adult Water Exercise Registration Information
Friendly House is the best place in Richland County for swim lessons. Our staff of experienced Water Safety Instructors are ready to give your child an enjoyable learning experience and a positive attitude toward water safety. Our classes are taught by American Red Cross trained instructors.
Lessons are quarterly (fall, winter, spring, and summer) and you must be pre-registered for all lessons. To give individualized instruction, the classes are limited in size. All registrations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. No phone registrations will be accepted. Class fee is $40.00 per child. Additional information can be found HERE.
Registration for Summer Lap Swim and Adult Water Exercise is also opening. For additional information on these programs follow this LINK.
REGISTRATION BEGINS June 5th, 2023 at 9:30 am at the Friendly House Reception Desk. Financial Aid is available to those families that qualify.
5/17/2023 – Ohio ACE Program – Qualifying Families May Receive $1000
DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR $1000 for Summer Camp? Your family may qualify for Ohio Ace! The Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Educational Savings Account program provides qualifying families with a $1,000 credit per child. These funds can be used to pay for a variety of educational activities designed to help accelerate learning for children impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. – including HAPPY HOLLOW DAY CAMP! Happy Hollow is still registering campers. Stop by our office to get your enrollment forms.
To find out more information, click on this link to see if you qualify and then send your camper to Happy Hollow for the summer! LINK
5/15/2023 – Summer Fun Registration – NOW OPEN!
Get your child signed up for the Friendly House Summer Fun Program. Registration is Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the reception desk. $50 for the entire summer. The program begins on June 12th and runs for 9 weeks, Monday – Friday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Lunch and an afternoon snack is provided. Limited space available. First come first serve.
We can email the registration files which you will need to print, complete, and return in person. If you would like the registration materials emailed to you, please email Mr. Greg.
It was a wonderful celebration on Friday afternoon with all of the #FriendlyHouseKids from the Afterschool Program as well as invited guests. Mr. Terry cut the ribbon just before the stampede of kids headed for new adventures!
Friendly House would like to thank the HDR Foundation, the State of Ohio in conjunction with the OCCRRA.org Stabilization Grant, Warren Rupp (IDEX Foundation), S.N. & Ada Ford Fund, U.S. Bank Foundation, and the Norfolk Southern Foundation’s Community Impact Grant for their support of this important project at Happy Hollow Day Camp.
Don’t miss your child’s opportunity to be a camper at Happy Hollow Day Camp. Stop by Friendly House at 380 N. Mulberry Street and sign your camper up for a week or the whole summer!
For questions, please call our office at 419.522.0521

4/26/2023 – Happy Hollow Day Camp Registration OPENS May 1st at 9:00 am
Get your campers signed up for Happy Hollow Day Camp. Registration begins on Monday, May 1st at 9:00 am at Friendly House – 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44902. Happy Hollow Day Camp registers on a first come first serve basis and our weekly enrollment capacity is 132 campers. You can hold a spot for a week of camp for only $10.00. Balance due 10 days prior to the camp session. Friendly House accepts cash or check only. Happy Hollow is ODJFS supported. Don’t miss your #friendlyhousekids opportunity to have a ‘loyal and true’ summer at Happy Hollow. For additional information, please check out this LINK or call 419.522.0521.
We can email the registration files which you will need to print, complete, and return in person. If you would like the registration materials emailed to you, please email Mr. Greg.
04/26/2023 – Happy Hollow Day Camp Playground Ribbon Cutting
Friendly House is proud and very excited to announce that the Happy Hollow Day Camp Playground will have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Playground Party on Friday, May 12th at 4pm. The ceremony will start at 4:30pm.
The original Hidden Hollow Camp opened in 1940 and was reestablished as Happy Hollow Day Camp in 1960. Many generations of families and campers have been lucky to call themselves ‘Loyal and True’ to the friendships made at Happy Hollow. With this new playground we know that generations to come will find wonderful memories swinging, climbing, sliding, and zip lining their way through their summers. We are so happy we are able to provide new play structures for our campers to enjoy for years to come.
Friendly House is appreciative to have been able to achieve our fundraising goals for this important project. Friendly House would like to thank the HDR Foundation, OCCRRA.org Stabilization Grant, Warren Rupp (IDEX Foundation), S.N. & Ada Ford Fund, U.S. Bank Foundation, and the Norfolk Southern Foundation’s Community Impact Grant for their support of this important project at Happy Hollow Day Camp.
If you would like to see the construction progression, please check out this Google Slide Show: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lYP-qR_1K3ZP-AhlfHkYNMO5Bn6sYrshnyz5iDZLCFU/edit?usp=sharing
Update 04/20/2023 – Friendly House Introduces Our New Bus!
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful community!
You may have already gasped at the new Friendly House bus picking up #friendlyhousekids at 7 local schools in the Mansfield community! Don’t be shy when you see the bus give us a wave and cheer on the kiddos – they are on their way to the Friendly House!
We finally had to retire our old bus after approximately 32 years in service. Our new bus is fantastic and will be caring kiddos to Friendly House and Happy Hollow Day Camp for years to come!
Special thanks goes out to Warren Rupp, Inc., First Student, and Kiwanis Club of Mansfield Ohio and to all of our community donors! Friendly House greatly appreciates your continued support so we may continue to support Richland County families!
Don’t worry – the hand prints will placed soon!

Update 4/19/2023 – Hidden Hollow Resident Camp – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN
Now is the hour…for you to register your campers for Hidden Hollow Camp for the 2023 Camping Season! Don’t miss your opportunity to give your kiddos the best summer of their life. At Hidden Hollow Camp – Friendships are Loyal and True!
Update 4/4/2023 – Happy Hollow Day Camp – Campership Information
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The Friendly House Campership Program is designed to give any child in Richland County the opportunity to attend Happy Hollow Day Camp at a reduced cost.
Happy Hollow Day Camp will be running for nine weeks this summer beginning the week of June 12th and ending the week of August 11th, 2023. Campers must be between the ages of 6-14. We are not limiting capacity this summer; however, we still must stay within ODJFS staff/child ratios and have a weekly availability for 130 campers each week.
We require that families seek support through ODJFS prior to be granted campership funds. We are asking that anyone interested in applying for a campership to complete the campership form, with all the required paperwork and turn back into Friendly House by Monday, April 17th, 2023, by 5:30pm. Campership forms may be picked up at the Friendly House, 380 N. Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44902 during regular office hours. Camperships will not be awarded past this due date. We will need copies of pay stubs, tax returns, social security benefits, snap benefit information, ODJFS support approval/denial documentation, etc. This is typical of all financial information that is needed for applying for any type of community aid or assistance. To qualify for a campership, you must provide information for all adults in the home, showing the most recent 60 days of employment or assistance. Once your campership request has been reviewed, you will be notified. Camperships are awarded in three week increments. Friendly House requests families who have been approved for campership funding provide a note of appreciation that we may share with our donors.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Registration forms will be available to pick up or download beginning Monday, April 24th. Registration will begin on Monday, May 1st at 9:00am. Please have all paperwork completed in advance of registration and be patient as there may be a line. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Our payment process remains the same as last year, a non-refundable $10 per child, per week deposit is required at registration. If you have ODJFS approval, there is a non-refundable $10 per child, one time deposit. A letter will be coming in the mail with more explanation about fees and payment processes. If you have any questions regarding this process or need clarification, please reach out to Johnnice by email at johnnice@friendlyhouseonline.com or by phone (419) 522-0521.
Terry Conard, Friendly House – Executive Director
Update 3/29/2023 – Director, Terry Conard Honored
Congratulations to our Director, Terry Conard! He has been selected as one of the 2023 NCSC Hall of Excellence Honorees. Friendly House is honored to be led by Mr. Terry Conard. He has been serving Friendly House families for decades. From all of the staff at Friendly House, and all of the children and families you have helped serve – THANK YOU!
You can read the article at this LINK.
Update 3/9/2023 – SPRING SWIM SESSIONS
Friendly House will open at 9:00 am on Friday, March 10th for Spring Swim Registrations, including Lifeguarding, Swim Lessons, and Adult Swim Exercise Classes. For additional information navigate to the Programs Tab and Aquatic Programs, or contact our office at 419.522.0521. Swim lessons classes fill up quickly, so do not delay!
Friendly House, Happy Hollow Day Camp and Hidden Hollow Camp are NOW HIRING for all of our summer positions!
We are looking for the following positions:
- Camp Counselors for both camps
- Kitchen Staff and Cooks for Hidden Hollow Camp
- Youth Leaders and Preschool/Daycare staff for Friendly House
- Lifeguards for our camps and at Friendly House
- Aquatics Director for Friendly House
To read all of our job descriptions our ‘Staff and Employment‘ section of this web site. You can apply online OR you can stop by Friendly House and complete an applications.
For questions, please contact Mr. Greg at 419.522.0521
Update 12/28/2022 – Guardians Baseball Lunch – Proceeds to benefit Friendly House!
Guardians Baseball Lunch – Proceeds to go to Friendly House Flyer – purchase your tickets NOW at www.thekiwanisclubofmansfield.org/guardians

Update 11/17/2022 – Richland Gives Campaign and #GivingTuesday
‘Tis the season to help others! Please consider donating to Friendly House during the #RichlandGives campaign! Even small donations go a LONG way when combined with all the other donations…and BIG DONATIONS go even further. Help Friendly House help our community and our #friendlyhousekids!
Update 10/17/2022 – Senior Fun Center
In conjunction with AmeriCorps, the Senior Fun Center will be hosting events for our Golden Age community. We look forward to in person and online functions designed for the entire community.
Update 10/10/2022 – APPOLOGY
Friendly House would like to sincerely apologize to the parents and families who attend our Afterschool Program and the Richland School of Academic Arts. Due to a communication error, our bus did not make the scheduled pick up today at Richland School of Academic Arts. Steps have been taken so this error does not occur in the future.
Update 10/6/2022 – EVENING PROGRAM BEGINS 10/10/2022!

WE STILL HAVE OPENINGS. Friendly House Families, the Afterschool Program is still registering. Registration is only $50.00. Please stop by our office to pick up the enrollment forms and get your child registered!
Children kindergarten age through 6th grade attend Friendly House after school from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Transportation is provided to select Mansfield City Schools. A hot, nutritious meal is served upon arrival. Youth participate in a wide variety of activities which include arts & crafts, computer room, games in gym, tutoring, game room, and outside playground. All children have the opportunity to do their homework in The Friendly House Honor Library, donated and maintained by the Mansfield-Richland County Public Library. There is a one time, low-cost fee for this program which is paid at registration and is good for the duration of the program.
Friendly House provides extended care for school age youth, during Mansfield City School vacations and snow days from 9am-6pm. Children must be enrolled in the Afterschool Program.
While enrolled in the Afterschool Program, children are also eligible for many outside voluntary activities that are run by other area organizations or agencies. These agencies include: Bible Study with Calvary Chapel Mansfield, Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland, Mid-Ohio Youth Mentoring, and many others. On Friday evenings, starting in the fall, children are able to stay after 6pm for Friday Night Fun Club where they will participate in a special activity and then go swimming at Friendly House from 7:30-9pm.
Don’t miss your opportunity to have your kid be a #friendlyhousekid! Looking forward to a great 2022-2023 school year!
Update 8/20/2022 – PRESCHOOL and DAYCARE
Preschool and Day Care ENROLLING NOW! 419.522.5570
The Friendly House Preschool boasts one of the oldest programs in Mansfield, providing the first free Kindergarten all the way back in 1918, and establishing permanently in 1950. Since then, the Preschool program has flourished and grown into a successful place for children ages 3-5 to learn at their own pace through educational lessons and play as they prepare for Kindergarten.
The center is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m-6:00 p.m. Breakfast, a nourishing lunch, and afternoon snack are provided. Children participate in preschool classes as well as indoor/outdoor play and swimming lessons. Field trips are also scheduled. Not only does Friendly House provide hot nutritious meals, but we also provide a safe and stable environment in which each child learns social, physical and academic skills, which enhance their family life. The children enrolled in the Preschool are learning at a young age appropriate behaviors and morals that will enhance their life as they get older.
In the Preschool there are two full-time instructors (one of which is the Preschool Administrator) and two part-time instructors. The Preschool Administrator has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. The experienced teachers provide quality social, cognitive, physical and emotional growth through a variety of learning activities. All activities are balanced by age appropriateness and inspire creativity in a safe, clean and clutter-free atmosphere.
The Friendly House Preschool program is certified as a Four-Star Step up to Quality Program through the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). The Preschool is a low-cost child care program that is offered to the community, and is also contracted for payment through the ODJFS.
Please call the Preschool for questions or to enroll your #friendlyhousekid! 419.522.5570
Update 5/23/2022 – SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM
Friendly House Summer Swim Program including SWIM LESSONS registration begins on May 31st at 9:00 am. Brochures were mailed today but you can find out all the information about SWIM LESSONS HERE! Don’t wait to register your youngster to learn to swim – one of the most important skills children need to know to keep them safe!
Hidden Hollow Resident Camp’s first week begins on June 26th. Campers begin their adventure on Sunday afternoon and picked up on the following Saturday morning. Registration for HHC is completed online at www.hiddenhollowcamp.org. REGISTER NOW for your child’s best summer ever! SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR ALL WEEKS! A week of HHC is $450 per camper.
Happy Hollow Day Camp runs for 9 weeks this summer, starting the week of June 13. Applications are available now at our reception desk at Friendly House. Registration for Happy Hollow begins May 16th. Each week is $125 for a full day of camp and Happy Hollow is supported through Job and Family Services for those families who qualify. REGISTER NOW – SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR ALL WEEKS! Find additional information regarding HAPPY HOLLOW HERE.
Update 5/11/2022 – SUMMER FUN PROGRAM
Unfortunately, due to lack of staff (all but two of our Afterschool staff work at the camps) and little to no bites on qualified applicants, Friendly House is unable, at this time, to provide a Summer Fun Program for 2022. If our staffing improves we will make an announcement both here and on our FaceBook Page. We recommend that families look to our Happy Hollow Day Camp or Hidden Hollow Resident Camp this summer for your children’s summer activities.
Happy Hollow Day Camp runs for 9 weeks this summer, starting the week of June 13. Applications are available now at our reception desk at Friendly House. Registration for Happy Hollow begins May 16th. Each week is $125 for a full day of camp and Happy Hollow is supported through Job and Family Services for those families who qualify.
Hidden Hollow Resident Camp’s first week begins on June 26th. Campers begin their adventure on Sunday afternoon and picked up on the following Saturday morning. Registration for HHC is completed online at www.hiddenhollowcamp.org. A week of HHC is $450 per camper.
Friendly House sincerely apologizes for this inconvenience to our community.
Hidden Hollow Camp will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE for this years campers on April 9th from 2pm until 4pm. Come out for a walk through the camp and take a hike if you’d like. Staff will be available to give tours. No reservations required.
Happy Hollow Day Camp will be hosing an OPEN HOUSE for this years campers on May 14th from 2pm until 4pm. Stop by and see how your children will be spending their time at HHDC! No reservations required.

Attention Friendly House MEMBERS and soon to be MEMBERS: Our Fitness at Center Friendly House has been remodeled thanks to generous donations from our community – Ohio Health, Mansfield Police Department, Metrich Enforcement Unit, and the TPK Group. We have an updated Fitness Center with updated equipment and a great new atmosphere! Members are able to use the Friendly House Fitness Center Monday – Friday from 7:00am-6:00pm.

The Fitness Center has space for cardio, body weight, cable plated weight and free weight exercise. The cardio machines include Stair Machines, an Exercise Bike, and a Treadmill. The body weight stations include padded floors, pull up bars, a Dip Station Power Tower and a Roman Chair.
Cable machines include two brand new Functional Trainers with 200lbs of weight stacks in 10lb increments. There are attachments for each trainer including: short and long bars, ankle straps, dual stirrup handles, single and double rope handles, and single and double D handles. The Functional Trainers give the options for hundreds of exercises. Other plated equipment include a Nautilus style ab machine, arm curl and bench press.
Our free weight area Includes four barbell stations, including a Smith Machine, Squat Rack, Incline Bench and Flat Bench. Our free plates are both 1 and 2 inch rounds. We also have some dumb bells.

Friendly House now offers yearly memberships for a low cost of $30. Those 55 years of age and better are offered a free membership. Benefits include access to the fitness center, open gym, and all aquatic programs. The Aquatic Programs also have a low attendance and/or class fee that should be paid at time of attendance. Memberships must be purchased during office hours – Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Members are required to check in at the office each visit. For additional information regarding membership, please contact our office at (419) 522-0521, or check out the membership section of our website.
For up to date information on all our programs and availability, follow us on Facebook or friendlyhouseonline.com and click on the Events tab.
Effective 3/1/2022 Friendly House is rescinding most of the COVID-19 Mitigation Plans as published with the noted exceptions. Friendly House will continue to maintain a higher standard of cleanliness through out the facility as well as to continue to disinfect high touch surfaces. Friendly House will also continue to have hand sanitizer available in public areas. Masks are NOT required to be worn in our facilities or on our busses; however, recommends them to those that have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Thanks to our donors and our wonderful Mansfield community! Friendly House has raised a new flag on our property for the North End to enjoy. It has been approximately 20 years since there has been a flag pole and Old Glory proudly flapping in the wind at Friendly House. The previous flag pole was too close to a tree and had to be removed many years ago. Now, Old Glory stands proud at the corner of North Mulberry and Springmill Streets. Friendly House continues to support the children in our community. To donate to Friendly House you may send a check to Friendly House, 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44902 OR you may donate on line at friendlyhouseonline.com, just follow the instructions under the DONATE NOW! tab.

Update 2/22/2022 – EVENING PROGRAM
Effective immediately the Friendly House Evening Program will only be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays and the last day this season, March 24th.
Friendly House now offers yearly memberships for a low cost of $30. Those 55 years of age and better are offered a free membership. Memberships include access to the fitness center, open gym, and all aquatic programs. The Aquatic Programs also have a low cost attendance and/or class fee that should be paid at time of attendance. Memberships must be purchased during office hours – Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Hours for open gym and open swim are subject to availability. For up to date information on all our programs and availability, follow us on Facebook or visit our Events Calendar. Membership privilege’s can be revoked for failure to observe Friendly House rules which include no horse playing an no disrespect to Friendly House staff, volunteers or property. Members are required to check in at the office each visit.
The Spring Swim Flyer has been mailed out and should be arriving to your mailbox soon. Classes are now posted under the Program Tab.
Update 2/14/2022 – NOW HIRING

Update 12/30/2021 – COVID-19 Update – Mask Reminder
Parents – please make sure to have your child arrive to Friendly House with a clean fresh mask each day. If your child is ill, keep them at home until they are fever and symptom free for 24 hours.
COVID-19 is rapidly spreading in our area. Friendly House continues to follow CDC recommendations regarding mask wearing. All staff and visitors, including students, are required to wear masks while in the Friendly House building, regardless of vaccination status. Friendly House continues to fall on the side of doing all we can to keep our #friendlyhousekids and staff safe and healthy.
Update 12/14/2021 – Friendly House Holiday Hours
Friendly House will be open for the Afterschool Program from 9am – 6pm during the Mansfield City Schools break with the following exceptions:
Update 11/26/2021 – Hidden Hollow Camp 2nd Exit Completion & THANK YOU DONORS!
On July 14th, 2018 at approximately 12:15pm, the horse barn at Hidden Hollow Camp burned to the ground. No campers, staff or horses were injured during the fire, but it was so hot it melted the siding from the Camp Director’s house across the drive. We were thankful that Friendly House was fully covered for the replacement of the horse barn and all of the destroyed contents.
Fortunately at the time of the fire, only HHC staff were remaining on site. When the Fire Department arrived, they blocked the only entrance into camp and no one was able to enter or leave. If this fire had occurred while campers were still on site, there would have been no way to assure parents that their children were safe on the other side or to get everyone out. This is a situation that we do not want to be in again.
Because of you – our community, we have been able to complete the 2nd Exit at HHC! Numerous community members have donated towards the 2nd Exit’s completion and thanks to the TPK Group for supporting the effort.
A special huge thanks goes out to Joe Zara and Zara Construction, Inc. who made a major impact on the project by completing the driveway base and rocking the entire length of the drive. With out Zara Construction, this project would have taken several additional years to complete. Thank you Joe! Your team has made a difference and has helped Friendly House and Hidden Hollow Camp remain the great place that it will always be – a great safe place for kids to be kids.
Update 11/17/2021 – Golden Age December Holiday Take-Away Box Dinner
Reserve your Holiday Take-Away Box Dinners by December 8th at 6:00 PM. Meals will include ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, a roll and dessert. Pick up is Monday, December 13th between the hours of Noon and 1:00 PM. Pull to the back parking lot. Cost is $2 or donation per box meal. Order as many as you would like! For additional information, contact Michelle at 419.522.0521.
Update 10/22/2021 – Golden Age November Turkey Take-Away Box Dinner
Reserve your Turkey Take-Away Box Dinners by November 3rd at 6:00 PM. Meals will include turkey gravy over mashed potatoes and dressing, peas, roll and a slice of pie. Pick up is Monday, November 8th between the hours of Noon and 2:00 PM. Pull to the back parking lot. $2 or donation requested per box meal. Order as many as you would like! For additional information, contact Michelle at 419.522.0521.
Update 10/22/2021 – Friendly House Publishes new TV Spots
Friendly House has produced several new television spots that have started to air on local stations in the Mansfield and Richland County area. These spots focus on Friendly House and our summer camps and how Friendly House is a Gateway To Positive Futures for our community youth. You can also check out the spots below…
Update 9/29/2021 – 4:30 pm – Friendly House Evening Program begins October 11, 2021
Friendly House is now available to our community youth 7th to 12th grades for our Friendly House Evening Program. Starting October 11th through mid-May, we will be open from 6:30pm- 8:30pm, Monday through Thursday. Activities include open gym, basketball, billiards, ping-pong and foosball. Evening Program memberships are $10.00 for the entire school year. Membership and parents permission must be completed in advance at the Friendly House reception desk. Call our office with questions 419.522.0521.
Update 9/16/2021 – 5:00 pm – Mask Reminder!
Friendly House Families – Reminder, masks are required by all (staff, students, and parents) while in the Friendly House and on our bus. As we continue in this pandemic together, it is important to remind your children the importance of keeping themselves and others protected by continuing to wear a mask when unable to social distance. Please discuss these key points with your #friendlyhousekid…
- Masks are required to be worn correctly, over the nose and mouth – except when eating, playing in the gym, or out on the play ground.
- Masks are required to be worn while riding to the Friendly House on the bus.
- Afterschool parents, when picking up your children, please put a mask on before entering the building, and limit yourself to the lobby area only.
- Daycare parents are required to pick their children up from the Daycare, please use the stairs nearest to the office.
Let’s all stay healthy together while we protect each other and our #friendlyhousekids!
Update 8/9/2021 – 9:00 am – Afterschool Program COVID-19 FAQs
Friendly House has updated our FAQs for the upcoming Afterschool Program and our community center effective 8/12/2021. The main change, in accordance with CDC recommendations and regardless of vaccination status, face masks will be required by all staff, students and visitors in the Friendly House building, until further notice. This includes all bus riders. It is the parents responsibility to ensure your child arrives at Friendly House with a clean mask each day. You may read the FAQs HERE.
Update 08/04/2021 – 11:00 am – COVID-19 Case at HHDC
Happy Hollow Families,
Friendly House was informed on 8/4/2021 that one of our campers at Happy Hollow Day Camp tested positive for COVID-19. This camper has not been at camp this week, but was at camp last week.
We continue to follow our Happy Hollow Day Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan on a daily basis. Campers are kept as isolated as possible in their cabin groups. We continue to recommend that those individuals who have not been vaccinated, to wear a mask when they are unable to social distance. This includes campers.
If your child is showing any signs of COVID-19 and/or has a temperature, keep your child at home. If your child does have a temperature 100 degrees or higher, they may only return to Happy Hollow after they have been fever-free for 24 hours, without medication.
For additional information regarding our COVID-19 Mitigation Plan, please see the COVID-19/News tab at friendlyhouseonline.com.
Thank you,
Terry Conard
Director, Friendly House
Update 06/24/2021 – 1:45 pm – Friendly House, Hidden Hollow Camp and Happy Hollow Day Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan CHANGES to the wearing of masks on Friendly House properties. This change is effective 6/28/2021 when we open.
The following applies to all Friendly House, Hidden Hollow and Happy Hollow employees, Friendly House Kids and program children, as well as, campers and all visitors and customers of Friendly House properties. All those who are vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer need to wear a mask on Friendly House, Hidden Hollow Camp (HHC) or Happy Hollow Day Camp (HHDC) property. Friendly House, HHC and HHDC now recommend (not require) those that are not yet vaccinated to wear a mask during those times where they are unable to social distance from others, regardless of location. Friendly House, HHC and HHDC will no longer provide masks. Parents who want their children to continue to wear a mask while on our property, should make sure their child arrives with a clean mask. Staff will no longer enforce children under our care to wear a mask. This change will go into effect on Monday 6/28/2021 when we open for business. The mitigation plans will be updated to reflect this change by end of business on Friday 6/25/2021. It should be noted, that Friendly House continues to follow the guidance Richland Public Health and other professional organizations. If local, state or national authorities require a new mask mandate, Friendly House will change this policy to align with the mandate.
Project Location: All windows and doors to be replaced are located at Friendly House, 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, Ohio, 44902.
RFP Timeline: Written proposal/bids are to be addressed to Terry Conard, Director and should be sent to Friendly House, 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44902. Proposals/bids are required to be in writing and must be specific and follow the guidelines on this RFP. Bids are due no later than 5:00 pm on May 13, 2021. Bids may be emailed to gmead@friendlyhouseonline.com.
Project Timeline: The awarded bid must complete all work before October 30, 2021.
Scope: Remove the existing 41 windows and dispose off site. Install 41 new thermally broken aluminum storefront windows in a painted finish to match the existing/newer windows in the building. Aluminum windows will have a 2” x 4-½” frame profile and have an extruded sill flashing with end dams. All glass will be 1” clear insulated glass with Low-E. Glass in the locker rooms will be a frosted insulated glass. Glass will be tempered safety glass where required by code. Windows will be weather tight and caulking will be used on the exterior and interior with a silicone sealant. There will be a total of 30 operable and 11 non-operable windows. The operable project out vent windows that insert into the aluminum storefront windows. Windows will have an interior mounted screen with aluminum mesh with wickets. Job site will be left clean. There will be a final cleaning and protection of installed windows. Windows to be replaced include a total of 41 within the building:
- 4 operable windows in the Art Room
- 6 operable windows in the Weight Room
- 2 non-operable windows in the Weight Room
- 5 operable windows in the Girls Locker Room
- 5 operable windows in the Boys Locker Room
- 9 operable windows in the 2nd Floor Pool Lounge
- 9 non-operable windows in the 2nd Floor Pool Lounge
- 1 operable window in the Pool Stairwell
Remove the existing 3 doors in the pool entry hallway leading to the pool hallway, stairwell and building hallway. Install 3 new doors and frames as necessary. The pool hall entry door is to match existing new glass doors entering into the pool. The stairwell door and building hallway door are to match the existing newer stairwell doors in the building. Both of these doors are to have a side light above the door handle. Door hardware should be included to match existing newer doors in the building. Existing key systems should be utilized.
- This project is funded through Federal HUD Block Grant approved by the City of Mansfield. All bidders must follow all protocols and requirements as outlined in the 2021 City of Mansfield Department of Community Development Davis-Bacon Act Manual.
- The Act requires that workers on this project must receive no less than the prevailing federal wages (including fringe benefits) being paid for similar work in this area. The applicable Davis-Bacon wage decision, including modifications, and the applicable Federal labor standards provisions must be made a part of the bid documents.
- Bids must include Job Classifications and current Federal Prevailing Wage for each classification hired for the project. These may be found at beta.SAM.gov. See link below.
- Per the Northeast Ohio Carpenters Agreement, Article 1, section 1.3, page 6. “ the installation of all interior, and exterior trim or finish of wood, aluminum, kalamein, hollow or extruded metal, plastic, doors, transoms, thresholds and windows” Richland County Ohio, current Union Carpenters, journeymen labor rates, as of 3-25-2021:
- Taxable Hourly Rate: $27.16
- Non-Taxable Hourly Benefit Rate: $19.37
- Total Hourly Wage: $46.53
- The City of Mansfield will appoint a prevailing wage coordinator. The coordinator will follow the HUD Davis-Bacon Checklist Form and Contractor Profile Forms. The selected contractor will have to be eligible to perform work verified through SAM.gov. To ensure compliance to prevailing wage requirements, the coordinator and/or other inspector will visit the project site. Every employer (contractor, subcontractor, etc) must make their employees available for a short interview at the job site with the coordinator or other agency representative, or HUD or DOL representative.
- Additional details may be found in the City of Mansfield’s Davis-Bacon Act Manual, see link below.
- Work is to be performed Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Update 4/30/2021 – 10:00 am
Ohio Health and Friendly House are having a special COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on May 7th from 10am to 4pm. Ohio Health will be in the Friendly House Front Parking Lot and walk ins are welcome, no reservations are required. Please see the flyer for details. For more information: FLYER
WE RECOMMNED A COMPUTER OR LAPTOP. It will be very difficult to use a phone or tablet for registration. Here area few tips:
1. You will create a password for your CampInTouch account when you go in to register (it will likely ask you to enter your email twice).
2. After you enter your first camper, it will ask you to “Begin New Application” or go to “My Account Menu”. If you go to “Begin New Application” you can enter more campers from your family. If you go to “My Account Menu” you will be taken to all the REQUIRED documents you have to sign before we will ENROLL them.
3. If you have a gift certificate, you will enter the promotional code on the certificate towards the end of the camper application. Gift certificates are not a guarantee of a week at camp and any refunds will be through the organization you bought them from, not Friendly House.
4. You must pay at least the non-refundable $75 registration fee to hold your spot for camp. However, your card will NOT be charged until we ENROLL your camper. All campers will be put into APPLIED status until HHC staff reviews that your required paperwork is in. If all that information is in, you will be placed in ENROLLED status and your cards charged.
5. Have your campers immunization records, medications, and insurance cards. You will have to enter this information on the Health History.
6. To fill out the REQUIRED paperwork you must go to the “FORMS AND DOCUMENTS” area under “My Account”. If these are NOT filled out completely, your camper will continue to be in APPLIED status until forms are complete.
7. There is NOT automatic enrollment. Your camper will not be ENROLLED (CONFIRMED) for camp until all the required paperwork is complete.
8. Be patient and make sure to complete all required forms.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://hiddenhollowcamp.campintouch.com/…/camper/App
#hiddenhollowcamp #hhc2021 #loyalandtrue
Richland County, Ohio – Count On Me Richland County is seeking the input from Richland County’s Black and Brown community through a readily available survey. Survey results will be used to create tailored educational materials about COVID-19 so individuals can make the best decisions about their health. Results could also lead to additional services that make it easier to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
“We are on a mission to educate, advocate for, and serve our Black and Brown community members during this pandemic and our main goal is to reduce the incidence of disease and death from COVID-19 through prevention,” said Dr. Julie Chaya, Director of Community Health & Prevention Sciences at Richland Public Health and leader of the Count On Me Richland County initiative. “But, in order for us and our community partners to allocate our resources effectively for upcoming initiatives, we need to hear directly from our Black and Brown community members to tell us what they know and how they feel about COVID-19 and the vaccine.”
Paper surveys can be completed at the Friendly House, Mansfield UMADAOP, the North End Community Improvement Collaborative (NECIC) office, Maddox Memorial Church of God in Christ, Mansfield/Richland County Public Library, the YMCA, or by calling 419-774-4761. Flyers promoting the survey will feature a quick-access QR code for an electronic version, which can also be found at www.surveymonkey.com/r/RichlandBB. Individuals can also complete the survey by phone at 419-774-4761.
Responses to the survey are anonymous and participants are eligible to win one of 65 gift cards. This includes five (5) $50 gift cards to the YMCA, forty (40) $25 gift cards, ten (10) $75 gift cards, and ten (10) $100 gift cards to a local establishment of your choosing. Gift cards will be raffled off in a random drawing on May 3, 2021.
“Unfortunately, racial and ethnic minorities here and throughout the world have experienced higher rates of COVID infection, hospitalization, and death, but we are trying to do something about that locally,” explained Deanna West-Torrence, Founder and Executive Director of NECIC. “Please, let us know what your needs are so we can help you and make a real difference in our communities.”
The survey is called “Richland County Black & Brown Community COVID-19 Needs Assessment” and can be completed throughout the month of April. For more details, visit www.richlandhealth.org/RichlandBB. Winners of the gift cards will be contacted the first week of May.
*This initiative is supported and sponsored by Richland Public Health, the Black & Brown Coalition of Mansfield Ohio, Destination Mansfield Richland County, The Friendly House, Maddox Memorial Church of God in Christ, Mansfield/Richland County Public Library, Mansfield UMADAOP, Minority Health & Wellness Project, North End Community Improvement Collaborative (NECIC), OhioHealth, Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission (OHCAC), Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development, Richland County Foundation, Richland County NAACP, Richland COVID Vaccination Initiative, Third Street Family Health Services, We Act, and the YMCA.
All of our summer programs are open this summer, with some COVID-19 restrictions. Make sure to make your plans to register early as we will fill up very quickly! Bring on the sunshine and the balmy summer days, as everyone at Friendly House is ready to get back to summer fun and camping!
Summer Fun Program (SFP) at Friendly House: The Summer Fun Program will begin registration for families currently in the Afterschool Program (ASP) on Monday, April 26th. Registration materials will be available in the Friendly House Office after 9:00 am. The SFP will open registration for new families beginning on May 5th at 9:00 am. Space is limited to 54 children due to COVID-19 restrictions. Current ASP families have the first opportunity to enroll and the remaining spaces are on a first come first serve basis. The SFP fee is $50 per child and runs for 9 weeks, Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm beginning on Monday, June 14. Click on the link to read the COVID-19 Summer Fun FAQs. It is best to view on a computer not by phone.
Happy Hollow Day Camp (HHDC), located on Hull Road in Mansfield, will begin registration for campers on Monday, May 3rd at 9:00 am at the Friendly House Office. Again, due to COVID-19 restrictions, HHDC will only be enrolling a total of 54 campers per week on a first come first serve basis. Happy Hollow runs for 9 weeks and the fee for each week of camp is $125 per camper. Camperships through Friendly House and JFS assistance are available for those that qualify. The first week of camp will be June 14. Click on the link to read the Happy Hollow Day Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan. It is best to view on a computer not by phone.
Hidden Hollow Camp (HHC), located on Possum Run Road in Bellville, will begin online registration for campers on Monday, April 12 at 6:30 pm. For information on registration, you may find it at this link: https://www.hiddenhollowcamp.org/. HHC will run for five weeks this summer and the first week will start on July 11. The cost per camper this year at HHC is $450 per week. Space is very limited this year due to COVID-19 as we are only enrolling a total of 100 campers per week. Also, campers must live in Ohio to attend HHC this summer. Click on the link to read the Hidden Hollow Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan. It is best to view on a computer not by phone.
Update 03/15/2021 – 10:00 am – HIDDEN HOLLOW INFORMATION!
CAMPERS, COUNSELORS, AND FAMILIES: On 03/08/2021, the Friendly House Board of Managers unanimously decided that Hidden Hollow Camp could re-open for the 2021 season with changes to programming, schedules, policies, and procedures in order to run HHC safely and efficiently as the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic continues.
The Hidden Hollow Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan should be read thoroughly by all interested families and staff applicants in order to make the decision if HHC will be the right choice for you this summer. These are new policies and procedures that have been created for the 2021 season. This plan is continuously changing and any old information will be “STRIKETHROUGH” and new information in its place. It is best to view on a computer not by phone. Below is basic information for HHC 2021. All of these points are also in conjunction to everything listed in the Mitigation and Operations Plan linked above. All of these points are subject to change as we move forward without notice:
- Campers must be between the ages of 8-15. There will be no option for ages 16+ that missed their last year as a camper in 2020.
- Camp will be begin on July 11, 2021 and will run for four weeks: July 11-17, July 18-24, July 25-31, and August 1-7. A possible fifth week of camp, August 8-14 will be added if there is interest.
- All camp weeks will be ages 8-15.
- There are no Special Days in 2021.
- There will be no Jr. Camp program for 2021.
- Camp capacities are 100 campers per week. 50 boys and 50 girls. 10 cabins will be used for campers.
- Cost of camp is $450 per week, per camper. Campers may only attend one week of camp.
- All campers and staff must have permanent residence in Ohio. Out of state (and country) campers and staff will not be allowed to participate in HHC for 2021.
- Camperships (scholarships) will be available for qualifying Richland County residents.
- There will be no KP program in 2021.
- Camp registration will be completely online and will begin on Monday, April 12 at 6:30pm (EST).
- Registration will be through the CampMinder/CampInTouch system.
- More information and links to this system will be posted as the date comes closer.
Please reach out if you have any other questions that cannot be answered through the FAQ’s or the Hidden Hollow Camp COVID-19 Mitigation and Operations Plan. Thank you! Brianna Sammataro, HHC Camp Director hhc@friendlyhouseonline.com
Mitigation Plan: https://docs.google.com/…/1GqQmfV0IaJuB967a2oeAJ…/edit
Update 03/14/2021 – Noon
COVID-19 Travel Advisory & Friendly House: Friendly House will no longer request families, children or staff quarantine due to COVID-19 travel out of state. We will continue to request a quarantine if a Friendly House family or child or staff member is showing symptoms or has a known exposure. Starting March 10, 2021, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), will no longer issue a travel advisory for those entering Ohio after traveling to states reporting positive testing rates of 15% or higher. Instead, ODH is revising its travel guidance to encourage Ohioans to carefully review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance when considering travel.
This change means the state-by-state list will no longer be updated. Even as more individuals are vaccinated across the United States and in Ohio and testing availability continues to improve, travelers should still practice appropriate public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, and washing your hands.
Update 03/03/2021 – 3:00 pm
The TPK GROUP is happy to announce that the CONFIRMED dates for the 2021 Weekend Of Giving at Hidden Hollow Camp are June 17th at 5:00 pm – June 20th at 11:00 am. Registration is now OPEN. Click the FIND TICKETS link to register. Registration DEADLINE is Monday, May 3rd. Donations must be received by May 12th to be confirmed. For additional information check out the Facebook Event LINK and read the detail of this amazing opportunity to give back to Friendly House.
Update 2/25/2021 – 10:05 am
ATTENTION PARENTS – IMMEDIATE PRESCHOOL/DAY CARE OPENINGS – Friendly House is looking for some GREAT kids to join our #FriendlyHouseKids family! Now accepting applications for our Preschool/Day Care. Stop by for an application or call Miss Sarah at 419.522.5570. Friendly House is located at 380 North Mulberry Street. Please enter through the front door only. Face masks are now required by visitors. The office is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Friday. Enroll your child today and they can start as early as next Monday!
Update 2/25/2021 – 10:00 am
COVID-19 Travel Advisory & Friendly House: Effective 8/1/2020, Friendly House will be following the Ohio Department of Health’s guidelines on out of state travel. Any student or family member of a student, Friendly House member or staff member are asked to follow these guidelines. Those entering Ohio after travel to states reporting positive testing rates of 15% or higher for COVID-19 are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days. Positivity rate is an indicator of how much COVID-19 there is in a community, and ODH is recommending against travel to those states with high positivity. If someone must travel, ODH is recommending 14 days of self-quarantine after leaving those locations. This advisory is intended for both leisure and business travel, and should be heeded by both Ohioans and out-of-state travelers. The list of states will be updated online every week on Wednesday. Click on the image below to be redirected to the most current travel restriction map from the Ohio Department of Health.

What to Do During Self-Quarantine
- Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and monitor for fever, as well as other symptoms including cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.
- If fever and/or symptoms develop, call your medical provider.
- Remain at home and avoid all in-person activities. This includes work, grocery stores and pharmacies, public events and public places.
- If you live in a home with other people who did not travel with you, stay in a separate room. If this is not possible, wear a face mask when you are in the same room and stay at least six feet away from others.
- Do not leave home except to seek medical care. If you need to see a provider for reasons other than a medical emergency, please call in advance and discuss the care you need.
- In the event of a medical emergency, call 9-1-1. Indicate that you are in home quarantine for novel coronavirus exposure. Keep a face mask on until you are asked by a health care provider to remove it.
- Do not have visitors in your home.
- Do not use public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares.
- COVID-19 Quarantine FAQs
- COVID-19 Travel Guidance
- COVID 19 Travel Advisory FAQs
- If you’re Isolated or Quarantined – COVID-19 Checklist
- Helping the Isolated or Quarantined – COVID-19 Checklist
- Returning from International Travel
- Symptoms of Coronavirus
For answers to your COVID-19 questions, call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).
Update 01/14/2020 – 5:00 pm
At this time, Friendly House is still working out some details on the 2021 camping season. This includes dates, cost, staffing needs, camper capacity, changes to programming, etc. in order to run HHC safely and efficiently. We are shooting for March 1, if not earlier, for an announcement but know that things can change at a moment notice. We will also be posting a Google Forms survey by the end of next week, similar to the one we did in the spring, to get your opinion on camp this summer. In the meantime, we are allowing families to put their information into CampInTouch through CampMinder, our online platform. You can enter the parent information, campers, and second household if needed. This is a basic information collector, and will be used for streamlining communications.
This will NOT be considered as any pre-registration for camp or as a placeholder for your child. It will be “one less step” you will have to do when registration opens.
Please click below to enter your information. We encourage all families, current camper families and interested families, to enter your information. We are so thankful for all of your continued support of HHC and hope that we can see you all again very soon. — Miss Breezy
Update 12/10/2020 – 4:45 pm
Friendly House Preschool Families – Friendly House will reopen for your children on Monday, December 14th at 8:00 am. Until further notice, the hours for the Preschool will be from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Please make sure to follow COVID Guidelines – if your child is ill with COVID symptoms and/or has a fever, they may not attend. Pick up and drop off procedures are still ‘call upon arrival’. NEW – if your child is able to wear a mask consistently, have them bring one with them. Masks are still not required for the Preschool children; however, if they are able to wear one we recommend they do. They should have a clean mask each day. Thank you and see you on Monday!
Update 12/4/2020 – 6:00 pm
Friendly House has been made aware of a staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member is currently at home in self-quarantine. The staff member is a part of our Preschool. Because of the potential exposure that may have occurred in the Preschool area of the building, Friendly House has decided to close the Preschool from December 7 through December 11, 2020. All staff and preschool children should follow quarantine guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health. Friendly House will contact families in the Preschool on December 10 to discuss reopening on December 14, 2020. Once the Preschool reopens we will have adjusted the Preschool hours from 8am to 6pm. There are no changes to the Afterschool Program at this time. We will keep you informed as the situation changes. Updates will be posted here as well as on social media. Thank you and continue to stay healthy.
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 / Quarantine FAQs
Update 12/4/2020 – 9:30 am
Friendly House Families – Richland County has been designated as COVID-19 Risk Level Purple. At this time, Friendly House will remain OPEN for your children. The Preschool is open regular hours. The Afterschool Program follows the Mansfield City School schedule. Remote learning days, we are open for the ASP from 3pm – 6pm. When MSC is CLOSED for weather or a holiday break, the ASP is open from 9am – 6pm.
A few reminders – all children attending the ASP are required to wear a mask. If your child is not feeling well, keep them at home. If you child has a fever, they may not attend.
Update 12/1/2020 – 3:30 pm
Friendly House Families – We have been made aware of a staff member who was in contact with another person who has tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member is currently at home in self-quarantine. As of now, the staff member has not tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member is a part of our Preschool/Daycare program and had very limited contact with other staff and Afterschool Program students. Those families that may have been exposed are being contacted. Friendly House is following the recommendations of Richland Public Health. All areas where this staff member worked have been fully cleaned and sanitized. Friendly House will remain open regular hours at this time. If any information changes we will keep you informed. Thank you and continue to stay healthy.
Update 11/24/2020 – 1:00 PM
Friendly House is suspending our Evening Program until further notice. The Friendly House Evening Program is for community youth in grades 7-12 and ran from 6:30pm- 9:00pm, Monday through Thursday. If you have questions, please contact our office.
Update 11/12/2020 – 10:10 am
Friendly House Families – this is a reminder that if your child has been quarantined due to a possible COVID-19 exposure, they are not permitted to attend Friendly House programs until that quarantine period has ended. Siblings and children in the same household would also not be permitted to attend until that quarantine period has expired. Friendly House continues to follow and exceed recommendations from the Ohio Department of Health and Richland Public Health.
If you need to read the Friendly House COVID-19 FAQs here are the links: AfterSchool Program FAQs — PreSchool & DayCare FAQs
Update 10/26/2020 – 12:00 pm
The Friendly House has opened our pool for local swim team practices and meets. We are following the Ohio Department of Health and Richland County Health regrading COVID-19 guidelines regarding our pool facility. At this time, we are not able to offer open swim, swim exercise or lap swim. Please read our COVID-19 guidelines for swim teams and the pool area. You can find the schedule for the teams on our Event Tab – Friendly House Events. Please note, at this time only coaches and participants are allowed in the facility. Spectators are not permitted in the building.
Update 10/23/2020 – 4:30 pm
Friendly House has been made aware of a staff member who tested positive for COVID-19. This staff member has been at home in self-quarantine since Saturday, October 17th and did not test positive until today, October 23rd. Friendly House is following the recommendations of Richland Public Health. The staff member has not been at work during the time of concern from Richland Public Health and has had no contact during that time with other staff or students. Friendly House is informing our families out of the utmost of caution. All areas where this staff member worked, including the office area have been fully cleaned and sanitized. The staff member is a part of our tutoring program and had very limited contact with other staff and Afterschool Program students. Those families that may have been exposed have been contacted. There was no contact to our Preschool and Daycare program. Friendly House will remain open regular hours at this time. Thank you and continue to stay healthy.
For additional information and resources, please contact Richland Public Health or read our COVID-19 FAQs.
Update 10/8/2020 – 5:00 pm
Richland County has remained in COVID-19 Red Risk. There are no changes to the Friendly House schedule or our current programs.
Update 10/5/2020 – 1:20pm
Friendly House has decided, due to COVID-19, the 2020-21 Friendly House sponsored Basketball Leagues have been cancelled.
Update 10/02/2020 – 1:00 pm
Friendly House Parents – Richland County has been classified as Level 3 RED Risk and is on a watch list for Level 4 PURPLE Risk.
Friendly House will continue to follow the guidelines of the Ohio Department of Health and our local Richland Health Department. If mandated or due to the decision of the Friendly House Board of Managers and/or the Director of Friendly House, we may close at any time to ensure the health and safety of our staff and children.
If Richland County is classified as a Level 4 Purple Risk, it is probable that Friendly House will close until the county returns to a Level 3 RED Risk. We will give as much notice as possible if a closure is required. As a parent it is your responsibility to have a back up plan for child care.
Mansfield City Schools Closure – if MCS closes due to a weather event and the students are not in school and not distance learning, Friendly House will be open from 9am to 6pm for Afterschool students. If MCS closes in person classes but students are distance learning, Friendly House will be open our regular hours and the Afterschool students may be dropped off at 3pm.
Please refer to our COVID-19 FAQs for additional information: FAQ Document
Update 10/01/2020 – 8:30 am
Due to COVID-19, Friendly House has cancelled our basketball leagues for the 2020-2021 season. Keep updated by continuing to follow Friendly House on Facebook and on this News Tab.
Update 9/11/2020 – 3:15 pm
Updated information for our Afterschool Program which begins on Monday, September 14th at 3:00 pm. Parents please be aware that the students in the Afterschool Program will have to wear a mask while on a Friendly House bus and while in the Friendly House facility. Masks may only be removed while eating or during active play or activity in the gym or while outside on the play ground. The children will be in groups of 9 and the groups and will not have planned interaction with the other groups. At this time there will be no outside organizations invited into Friendly House. When the children arrive they will be placed into their group and will remain in their activity area until pick up. While in their activity area, they will be able to work on their homework with assistance from their Youth Leader. They will eat a nutritious meal and have a planned activity and free time. Each day the children will rotate to a different activity.
Parents dropping off children may do so any time after 3:00 pm in the front of the building. Please call the number posted on the signs so a staff member can come outside to great your child before they enter the building. All children entering the Friendly House must have pass a health screening and temperature check.
Currently for PICK UP, parents are to remain in their vehicle in the front of the building and the children will be brought out to you. If a parent must enter the building, please put on a mask and go no further than the reception desk in the lobby. Otherwise, please call the number posted on the signs in front of the building when you arrive. Please be patient with this process as it can take up to 10 minutes for your child to exit the building.
Update 08/06/2020 – 2:00 pm
Friendly House is happy to announce that the Afterschool Program will open for students on September 14, 2020. First come first serve registration will begin on August 17 and parents can pick up registration forms on August 11 at the Friendly House reception desk. The cost to enroll your student for the entire program is only $50 which includes a nutritious meal and all activities. The ASP will run Monday – Friday from 3pm to 6pm. Fees are due at time of registration to guarantee your child’s spot as a #FriendlyHouseKid. Do not wait – spaces are VERY limited.
Information regarding the Afterschool Program and our COVID-19 FAQs are linked here: https://docs.google.com/…/1AT0dPdS2vJ3w4eKQkSShgZGYnM…/edit…
Update 07/21/2020 – 3:15 pm
Friendly House Families – we are working diligently to make sure we are able to safely reopen for the After School Program this year.
The program will be different due to the circumstances we are all under.
We hope to have an announcement with in the next few weeks regarding the program and sign ups! Stay tuned.
Update 07/17/2020 – 6:00 pm
Friendly House has a commitment to keep our employees as well as our community healthy and safe. As of 6:00 pm 7/17/2020, Richland County has been declared under a Level 3 Public Emergency and masks are now required by the public.
Friendly House will be cooperating with this order but will also continue to follow the Day Care and Day Camp Safe Opening Guidelines issued by the State of Ohio.
Any one entering Friendly House facilities or property including Happy Hollow Day Camp is asked to wear a mask. This includes parents dropping off or picking up their children, as well as any person conducting business or services on Friendly House property.
Currently, children participating in our day care and day camp programs are not required to wear a mask.
We recommend that you keep informed on current recommendations on COVID-19 at the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html or the Ohio Department of Health at https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/home and make sure to follow Friendly House at https://www.facebook.com/thefriendlyhouse/.
Update 06/01/2020 – 9:00 am
The Friendly House is taking the necessary steps about reopening the facility and our summer programs safely and effectively. There are currently many guidelines in place and we will continue to adapt as the weeks go on. Friendly House could close at any time, depending on Ohio Department of Health measures and precautions.
As of May 27, 2020, the Friendly House Board of Managers and Executive Director, Terry Conard have made the following decisions:
1. Hidden Hollow Camp has been cancelled for the 2020 season. This decision was made on 05/18/20
2. There will be no aquatic programs at the Friendly House during the summer. This includes swim lessons, water exercise, and lap swims.
3. The Friendly House Preschool Program will re-open on June 8. Space is very limited. Parents of preschool children MUST be working and will need to provide employer documentation. Friendly House staff will call to verify employment. Preference will be given first to families that were already enrolled before Friendly House shut down on March 25.
4. Summer Fun and Happy Hollow Day Camp will be combined as ONE program and will be held at Happy Hollow beginning June 22. THERE WILL BE NO SUMMER FUN PROGRAM AT THE FRIENDLY HOUSE IN 2020. Capacity is a very limited and registration will be “first come first serve”. Cost is $100 per week/per child and financial assistance will be provided with the proper paperwork. If you qualify for child care assistance through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), Friendly House recommends that you contact your caseworker NOW in order to receive the benefit for Happy Hollow Day Camp as you will need proof of this information for enrollment. Parents of enrolled campers MUST be working and will need to provide employer documentation. Friendly House staff will call to verify employment. Campers must be between the ages of 6-14 and have completed Kindergarten. Registration for Happy Hollow will be on June 10.
More information and details on these programs will be coming out in the next week. If you have any questions, please email contact@friendlyhouseonline.com
Everyone at Friendly House understands that these decisions are not ideal for everyone but, at this time, these decisions will help keep our facility running. No one expected this to be our situation this summer, and we are hoping that opening these programs even in their small capacity, will help alleviate some of the stress on our families. We are grateful for your continued support of the Friendly House.
Update 03/26/2020 – 1:30 pm
If you need to speak to someone while we are closed, you can send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We promise to reopen as soon as we are allowed. Stay Healthy and Be Kind!
Update 03/24/2020 – 8:15 am
PARENTS: As announced yesterday, Friendly House will be closing after business on Wednesday. We are not a PANDEMIC CHILD CARE CENTER. We will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.
Here are some resources to help you find child care during this time:
Update 03/23/2020 – 12:00 pm
All Friendly House facilities and programs will close on Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00 pm until further notice. The Hidden Hollow Open House scheduled on April 18th and the Happy Hollow Open House scheduled on May 3rd have been cancelled.
Message from the Director
My staff and I have been working very hard keeping the facility clean and disinfected the past two weeks while providing only essential services (Childcare Services) to those of you that are still working, and for those of you that are working in essential businesses. With the Governor’s “Stay At Home” ordered we will be closing Daycare and After School Programs at the end of business Wednesday, March 25, 2020 and will reopen as soon as it’s safe to do so. We are trying to keep positive and at this time we are moving forward with all plans for Hidden Hollow, Happy Hollow and the Community Center for this summer.
Please refer to our Facebook page and follow us @facebook.com/thefriendlyhouse/ for updates. We wish you and your family a safe and healthy time together and we will see you as soon as this pandemic is under control.
Be Safe – Terry Conard, Director
Update 03/20/2020 – 3:00 pm
No changes to current policies at this time. The next update will be Monday, March 23rd after 2:00 pm.
Update 03/17/2020 – 9:00 am
Unfortunately, all current rentals of Friendly House facilities through May 1st, 2020 are being cancelled. Full refunds will be issued. We are currently not taking any reservations at this time.
Update 03/16/2020 – 6:00 pm
Per Governor DeWine’s order to close fitness facilities, the Friendly House Boxing Gym and Weight Room are now closed until further notice. Also, Adult Swim Exercise is also cancelled until further notice.
Update 03/16/2020 – 4:53 pm
Friendly House leadership continues to monitor the COVID-19 National Emergency and will update you as necessary. Currently there are no changes to our plan from Friday. We are scheduled to be open on Tuesday. Preschool and Day Care can be dropped off as early at 6:30 am. The After School Program children can be dropped off any time after 9:00 am.
All parents and/or guardians that drop off a child at Friendly House will be required to answer questions from the CPAA Community CarePort COVID-19 Risk Screening Tool. The child that is being left at Friendly House for care, will also have their temperature taken by an infra-red thermometer. If answers to the screening tool are disqualified OR if the child has a temperature over 100.4 degrees, for the safety of the Friendly House community, you will not be allowed to leave your child at Friendly House.
We have had offers from the community to volunteer time to help us keep our facilities clean. While we appreciate the gesture we are unable to accommodate that suggestion. We would greatly appreciate any donation of cleaning supplies such as bleach, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer.
In the end, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted or did too much, but it will be QUITE apparent if we under reacted or did too little.
Please continue to follow Friendly House as changes to our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan could occur at any time.
Update 03/16/2020 – 8:00 am
All swim lessons are cancelled. Refunds will be issued by check and should be received within two weeks. We will update changes as they occur.
Update 03/13/2020 – 4:27 pm
The Friendly House’s top priority is the safety of our staff and the children and families that rely on our services every day. Leadership at Friendly House has been monitoring the minute to minute updates regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are attempting to align our decisions with the idea of “flattening the curve” of the virus spread so that our hospital systems can be responsive to those who are in need. As a community, we are all responsible to help slow the virus spread while serving the community in a healthy way. As the situation in our community evolves, we must also update how we are responding. Thank you for your continued support as we continue to serve you and the community as a whole.
After discussion with members of the Friendly House Board of Managers and with consultation with Richland Public Health, Friendly House will continue to remain open with the following changes to our policy and procedures.
Effective immediately, the Golden Age Luncheon scheduled for April 6th is cancelled. All extra affiliated activities such as Girl Scouts and Bible Study are also cancelled. The ACE program Fun Day scheduled for March 28 is cancelled. All basketball league practice and play at Friendly House is cancelled. PAL Mentoring will continue to follow Mansfield City Schools schedule and is postponed for three weeks. Spring Swim Lessons will continue as scheduled. If your child is scheduled for Swim Lessons and you would like to postpone your class, please contact the office at 419.522.0521. Adult Water Exercise and Lap Swim will also continue as scheduled.
Friendly House Preschool and Day Care is scheduled to be deep cleaned and disinfected on Saturday, March 14th. The remainder of Friendly House will undergo the same cleaning and be completed before the After School Program begins on Monday, March 16th at 3:00 pm. Due to the cleaning of the building, the Friendly House After School Program will not be open on Monday until 3:00 pm. The Preschool and Day Care will open at 6:30 am on Monday.
Friendly House Preschool and Day Care as well as the After School Program will continue to operate with changes in the following procedures. All parents and/or guardians that drop off a child at Friendly House will be required to answer questions from the CPAA Community CarePort COVID-19 Risk Screening Tool. The child that is being left at Friendly House for care, will also have their temperature taken by an infra-red thermometer. If answers to the screening tool are disqualified OR if the child has a temperature over 100.4 degrees, for the safety of the Friendly House community, you will not be allowed to leave your child at Friendly House.
We strongly encourage parents and guardians to have and open and honest conversation with their children regarding appropriate behavior and during this quickly evolving situation. While your child is at Friendly House during this Pandemic, their movements between areas of Friendly House will be limited. Please discuss their responsibility to listen to staff instructions as our main goal is to keep them safe so you are able to continue to go to work.
As the situation in our community changes, we may also change our policy and procedures as necessary. If anything changes over the weekend, we will update you as soon as we are able. Please continue to follow us at https://www.facebook.com/thefriendlyhouse/ for updates and on this page. Also, make sure to sign up for REMIND. Text @fhpre20 to 81010 for Preschool Announcements and text @afsp1920 to 81010 for After School Program Announcements. Thank you again for your continued support.
Update 03/13/2020 – 9:00 am
Friendly House is following recommendations outlined at the Richland Public Health’s COVID-19 Community Planning Meeting. We are offering this information to help prepare our staff and Friendly House families to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
We are encouraging students and staff to take everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, such as staying home when sick; appropriately covering coughs and sneezes; cleaning frequently touched surfaces; and washing hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
As of this notification, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Richland County. Friendly House will make decisions upon what actions to take to keep our community members safe based upon recommendations from Richland Public Health, the Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If the decision is made to temporarily close Friendly House for the safety of the community it will be based upon recommendations from Richland Public Health Department. We will inform the community on this page, notification to local media, through social media postings, and notices on our building.
After School Parents: In light of Governor DeWine’s state ban on gatherings, The Kiwanis Joe Zuber Pancake Day, Saturday, March 14th has been postponed. Please save your tickets to be used at a future date to be announced!
The CDC has created a COVID-19 website that has constantly updated information and recommendations based upon current data. This includes how to prepare your home and help educate your children on how to stay healthy. If you do not have access to this information at home, you may use our computer lab to research how to keep your family healthy.
We recommend that you keep informed on current recommendations on COVID-19 at the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html or the Ohio Department of Health at https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/home and make sure to follow Friendly House at https://www.facebook.com/thefriendlyhouse/.