DONATE RIGHT NOW! – Direct Financial Donation
When financially donating directly to the Friendly House, every penny goes towards the center and providing for the children and adults in our programs. Please click HERE to make an online donation through PayPal. If you would like to donate to a specific program at Friendly House like the Afterschool Program, Preschool, Happy Hollow or Hidden Hollow, please make sure to mark that in the “Special Instructions”. YOU CANNOT PAY FEES FOR ANY FRIENDLY HOUSE PROGRAMS THROUGH PAYPAL.
Richland Gives – Richland County Foundation
Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday following Thanksgiving each year. But you can GIVE anytime. During this time frame Friendly House has the chance to have matching gifts and grant prizes! ‘Tis the season to help others! Please consider donating to Friendly House during the #RichlandGives campaign! Our goal for 2024 was $40,000 and we came very close to meeting that goal! Even small donations go a LONG way when combined with all the other donations…and BIG DONATIONS go even further. Help Friendly House help our community and our #friendlyhousekids!
Shop To Donate
FRIENDLY HOUSE LOGO SHOP — Want to show off your love for Friendly House, Happy Hollow and Hidden Hollow? Check out the online store to get your logo wear for the summer and beyond! These designs are only available online and not at our camp store. Adult and child sizes are available. Our partners are more than happy to discuss a special order or different colors and products. There is an email link on the order page. Have your shirt, sweatshirt or hoodie sent directly to you. We are so excited for this new partnership with Home Town Prints. ORDER YOUR FAVORITE NOW! Additional colors and designs will be added seasonally.
A portion of every sale goes to help Friendly House programming.