On July 14th, 2018 at approximately 12:15pm, the horse barn at Hidden Hollow Camp burned to the ground. No campers, staff or horses were injured during the fire, but it was so hot it melted the siding from the Camp Director’s house across the drive. We were thankful that Friendly House was fully covered for the replacement of the horse barn and all of the destroyed contents. The above photo shows the new barn at Hidden Hollow. It was rebuilt in the Fall of 2019.
Fortunately at the time of the fire, only HHC staff were remaining on site. When the Fire Department arrived, they blocked the only entrance into camp and no one was able to enter or leave. If this fire had occurred while campers were still on site, there would have been no way to assure parents that their children were safe on the other side or to get everyone out. This is a situation that we do not want to be in again.
Construction started on the new emergency exit road in the Fall of 2019 and the land and trees have been cleared and the emergency gate at the end of the lane has been installed.
Because of you – our community, we have been able to complete the 2nd Exit at HHC! A special huge thanks goes out to Joe Zara and Zara Construction, Inc. who made a major impact on the project by completing the driveway base and rocking the entire length of the drive. With out Zara Construction, this project would have taken several additional years to complete. Thank you Joe! Your team has made a difference and has helped Friendly House and Hidden Hollow Camp remain the great place that it will always be – a great safe place for kids to be kids.
Here is a short video of the 2nd Exit, which is now 99% complete. Friendly House will complete grading of the areas next to the road, seeding, fencing and gating in the spring…