Happy Hollow Day Camp


Happy Hollow Camp is an active way for children ages 6-14 to experience camp without having to spend evenings away from home. Happy Hollow is a nine-week program, Monday thru Friday, beginning in June.  Campers enjoy varied activities throughout the week including:  arts and crafts, swimming and fishing, nature activities, archery, pony rides, sports and field games.  Happy Hollow offers theme weeks, talent shows, and other special activities to make campers enjoy their summer at camp.

Applications for the 2025 season at Happy Hollow will be available at Friendly House, 380 North Mulberry Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44902, in mid-April. Specific date to be announced.  Registration will begin in May on a first come first serve basis, specific date to be announced.  Friendly House families who are in need of financial assistance for Happy Hollow fees may seek assistance through ODJFS.  Parents should speak and confirm with their case worker before registration.  Assistance through ODJFS must be attempted prior to a campership application. Camperships available through Friendly House are based upon financial need, and are available as long as funds are available.

The 2025 Happy Hollow season will begin with the first of 9 sessions June 9, 2025.


The goals of Happy Hollow Day Camp evolve around our purpose of providing a safe, enjoyable and educational experience in social living in the out-of-doors for boys and girls of varied social, economic, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.  Campers share experiences in winning, loosing, creating, making friends, developing mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually.

Specific Goals for Campers:

  • Become acquainted with their environment
  • Experience individual growth and development
  • Discover their own potential
  • Exercise personal initiative
  • Live and work together
  • Develop new interests
  • Develop spiritual meanings and values
  • Enjoy camping
  • Develop appreciation for writing letters
  • Make new friends
  • have a safe enjoyable experience


You may pick up a registration packet beginning in late April at the Friendly House office. You may download the enrollment forms at this LINK.

Registration begins in mid-May at Friendly House on a first come first serve basis.  For specific dates, please follow us on Facebook or check the News & Info tab. This year you may reserve a week by turning in all of your completed registration materials with a $10 deposit per week per camper.


All families will receive a Parent Handbook when they enroll their camper. You may click on the link below to read and/or print a copy. The Parent Handbook contains policies, procedures and general information regarding our camp program.

2024 Happy Hollow Day Camp Parent Handbook


When enrolling for Happy Hollow there is a non-refundable $10.00 deposit per camper payable with the return of your camp application. The $10 fee is a deposit toward weekly payments and guarantees your camper a spot for the week selected.  If you want to pay the $10 deposit fee for all 9 weeks of camp be prepared to pay $90 on registration day, you will guarantee your camper a spot each week as long as the balance of each session is paid on time.  Late payment will forfeit your deposit and your campers spot.  Upon receipt of your $10.00 deposit, you will receive a parent handbook.  CAMP FEES MUST BE PAID 10 CALENDAR DAYS IN ADVANCE OF YOUR CHILD’S ENROLLMENT.  For example, if your child is attending camp the week of June 16th, all his/her fees must be paid by June 6th.  Your child will not be permitted to attend camp until fees are paid.  Camp fees are a fixed rate.  You will not receive a reduction in fees if your child does not attend all five (5) days of camp. CAMP FEES MUST BE PAID AT FRIENDLY HOUSE.  FEES WILL NOT ACCEPTED AT CAMP. Happy Hollow is supported through ODJFS. Families are welcome to see if they qualify for summer day care financial support through ODJFS. Camperships are also available to those families that qualify. Click here for details regarding CAMPERSHIPS. Click here to print the Campership Form.

Camp fees are $125 per week per camper.

The fees for the week of July 4th will be reduced to $100 as we are closed July 4th for the holiday.  All payments must be paid at Friendly House with cash or check.  At this time, we do not take credit card payments or online registrations.

2025 Camp Sessions – TBD

  • Week 1 – June
  • Week 2 – June
  • Week 3 – June
  • Week 4 – July – note closed on July 4th
  • Week 5 – July
  • Week 6 – July
  • Week 7 – July
  • Week 8 – July
  • Week 9 – Aug


Campers may be taken directly to Happy Hollow Day Camp or Friendly House beginning at 7:00 am.  All campers must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm.

If you are unable to drop-off or pick up your child or children at camp, busing is available at a cost of $12.00 per week, per child. If one way transportation is needed, the cost is $6.00 per week, per child. The bus leaves Friendly House at 8:15 am and returns to Friendly House around 4:45 pm.  Campers must be picked up before 5:30 pm.

Bus service fees are a fixed rate. You will not receive a reduction or refund if you have requested this service on the transpiration application. Friendly House is the drop off and pick up point for bus service.


The camp consists of 25 acres of woods, open fields, a stream, a pond and a swimming pool. It is located in Washington Township at 792 Hull Road. The camp has indoor plumbing, five log cabins and a central main lodge. Activities include arts & crafts, sports and games, archery, pony rides, swimming, pond activities, nature, and other special events throughout the summer.  Happy Hollow will provide a nutritious lunch with milk for each camper as well as an afternoon snack.  If your campers would like to bring their own lunch they may but it must be in a disposable container – no lunch boxes.  Again, milk will be provided.


Happy Hollow is open to any boy or girl between the ages of six and fourteen. No one shall be denied admission to our camp or the benefits of our United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Program because of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age.

If your child is ill or has a fever, please keep them at home.

Our goal is to provide a complete camping experience for all of our campers. To aid us in accomplishing this goal, we ask all of our applicants to inform us if they have any disabilities or impairments.

We suggest that all campers and their families visit the camp before enrolling to ensure that our program will meet expectations.  We will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE at HHDC in early May (Date TBD), 2025 from 2pm – 4pm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Friendly House at 419-522-0521.


Work at one of the greatest places on Earth – Happy Hollow Day Camp. We are currently in the process of hiring summer counseling staff. We have Junior and Senior Counselor positions available. Junior Counselors must be 16 years old and Seniors must be 18 and graduated from High School. To read the job descriptions or apply, check out our STAFF and EMPLOYMENT page.


Want to show off your love for Happy Hollow Day Camp all the time! Check out the online store to get your HHDC shirts and logo gear for the summer and beyond! 🙂 Have your shirts sent directly to you before camp begins! We are so excited for this new partnership with Home Town Prints and can’t wait to offer additional gear for all of the campers and families at HHDC. A portion of your purchase goes to help support Friendly House and Happy Hollow Programs.



In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

  1. Mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
  2. Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
  3. Email: program.intake@usda.gov.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.