Message From The Director

Because of you, Friendly House continues to serve kids under pressure, kids who need safe and constructive activities, and kids whose lives benefit from steady support. Every number we generate, every child who gets a better grade card, every kid who eats a balanced meal, happens because of YOU, the people who support Friendly House. We have completed another successful year as we celebrate 129 years serving Richland County with the past 74 years being from our current Mulberry Street location.

A lot of exciting things have and are happening here at the community center as well as at Happy Hollow and Hidden Hollow Camps. Some of the largest projects in years are our new parking lots, green space and the wonderful waterfall and pond. Added in late December 2021, a new flag pole and flag raised on the Friendly House property. At Hidden Hollow, the Cool Blue Pool has gone under a massive repair operation which will help maintain the longevity of the pool for years to come. Also, at Hidden Hollow, we have taken the time we have had off from the 2020 season to start a major reconstruction of the Boys’ and Girls’ Main Camp Washhouses! These major renovations at HHC were completed in time for the limited 2021 camping season. Friendly House also completed an installation of 43 new windows at the community center, finishing a several year long grant process.  Friendly House with the assistance of the community and our wonderful donors completed the ‘2nd Exit Project’ at Hidden Hollow Camp, increasing the safety and emergency access.  In 2023, we completed major roof repairs at the Happy Hollow Lodge a new expanded Playground – and the campers love it!  In 2024 Friendly House was able to install a new emergency generator, making Friendly House available in cases of community need.

As our facilities age, we are always trying to find ways to make improvements while keeping the cost as low as possible and 2024 and 2025 is no exception. Here at the community center we are looking at long term improvements including a new playground. At Hidden Hollow we continue to raise funds for new updated sleeping cabins. At Happy Hollow we hope to expand the parking lot, and install a back-up generator. We have accomplished so much over the last several years and we are looking toward the future.

Thank You for your continuing support, volunteerism and kind donations. We thank each and every one of YOU, for making Friendly House a positive place where good things happen… because of YOU.

Terry Conard, Executive Director, Friendly House

To learn additional information check out Mr. Terry discussing Friendly House and our connection to United Way of Richland County: